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马来西亚吉兰丹大学 University Malaysia Kelantan - 护林与造林卓越贡献大奖

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马来西亚吉兰丹大学 University Malaysia Kelantan - 护林与造林卓越贡献大奖 第6届大马神农楷模奖 马来西亚吉兰丹大学 University Malaysia Kelantan - 护林与造林卓越贡献大奖 第6届大马神农楷模奖

马来西亚吉兰丹大学 University Malaysia Kelantan - 护林与造林卓越贡献大奖

Agroforestry has become a major industry to focus on in Kelantan, as the continuous loss of surface layers is causing pollution pressure on the rivers. This is inevitable due to the uncontrolled logging, many of which are even illegally logged or not replanted as pre-planned.
Kelantan river is the main river in Kelantan state of Malaysia, and it has been used as water sources for irrigation, small-scale fishing industries, transportation, and sand mining. However, according to researcher’s data the Kelantan river has reached a critical level of pollution, had caused acute silting in the river. It had aggravated land erosion which caused silts to flow directly into Kelantan river. The settlers call on the local departments assistance to work together to control river pollution.
In the 6th Malaysia Agro Excellence Award, the Outstanding Forest Protection And Afforestation Award winner University Malaysia Kelantan (UMK) takes the river pollution and soil erosion issues seriously. UMK’s Head of Agroforestry Plantation Pilot Project cum Faculty of Bio-engineering and Technology (FBKT) Senior Lecturer, Associate Professor Dr. Wan Mohd Faizal Wan Ishak told the journalist of Global Agro Magazine that, they have gone through several steps to initialize the forest protection program. In order to protect rivers, it should be started from protecting the forests. He first surveyed the affected rivers and riverbanks, and then decided on appropriate plants that can be planted for forest protection. 
He uses drones in this project to enhance manpower. Sowing, surveying, fertilizing, and watering can be easily maneuvered and monitored from the laptop or mobile phone screen, planting includes saplings, crops and various fruit trees. For example: bamboos, durian and black ginger etc. They are not only preventing river bank from collapsing but also contributes economic benefits.
According to him, realizing the great potential of the black ginger, the University collaborated with with a private sector, viz Magical Wisdon Sdn Bhd in producing saplings which were biologically treated for organic plantings without using chemical fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Some 60,602 saplings had been delivered to estates in Sungai Yu, Pahang and Kuala Bertis, Kelantan for such plantings.
The plan is to use the Biological Control Agent (BCA) to protect seeds and increase plant growth rates. This technology makes plants more capable of fighting pests and diseases and adopting accelerated photosynthesis. The entire forest protection program is grown entirely organically, with no pesticide and insecticide required. UMK graduate students are also involved in research and implementation. 
Each plant and sapling are treated with microbs to control them from the attacks of fungi, insects, nematodes, bacteria and viruses, as well as a biological fertilization agent to ensure that the saplings remain healthy, receive the necessary minerals, accelerate growth and free from heavy metals.
“This is the difference between our black ginger and others. Our treated saplings can be sold at RM60 to RM90 each as against the not treated ones at less than RM30 per saplings. The not treated ones are not suitable for consumption as they are bound to absorb in lots of heavy metals,  chemical residues etc.”
“In addition, the soil used is also treated with bioremediation agents so that it is free from chemical hydrocarbons and heavy metals.”
“Studies have also found that the use of black ginger provides health protection and energy strength, and we are still conducting in-depth research to understand what the mechanism of reaction that occurs in the body.” Dr. Faizal said.
“The purpose of nominating the Award is to bring the awareness to the public that the importance of forest and river protection. While this shall be actively extended to other states even countries outside Kelantan where rivers are heavily polluted.”
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